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Scrabble (was Luke)
We brought Scrabble home about 3 weeks ago and already he has become a big part of our family. My name is Caryn and my Fiance's name is Paul. We have 2 cats, Biggles who is brave and curious and Madison who is a typical scaredy cat. Upon bringing Scrabble home, the cats hid for about 3 days. Scrabble was spooked by his own shadow and would barely leave his crate. A week later Scrabble left his crate more often and had a hard time not chasing the cats when he saw them. Now 3 weeks later, Scrabble knows not to mess with Biggles or he will get a claw- less bop in the nose and even if the cats are chasing each other, Scrabble tries really hard not to chase them. Scrabble goes out 4 times a day, one of those times being a special long walk/run at our favorite park. That was mommy's (me) commitment to Scrabble when we adopted him. Scrabble also loves being at the dog park, going for long walks and rides in the car. If for some reason we haven't been able to go because of bad weather or its too dark, he will do his business in the backyard and then lead me straight to my car as if to say "ok,I'm ready lets go in the car". Scrabble's favorite place to be is on the guest room bed where he can sprawl out and dream away. If either of us are missing a shoe, belt or sock we know where to find it. His favorite snack is peanut butter and he loves the cat's treats but not his own. Scrabble's personality comes out all the time now. He does not like the rain and plops his butt in the grass as if to say "It's raining and I'm not having it" .He is also still a little clumsy when we play in the house as he bumps into all kinds of things. He makes us laugh daily and I can't remember the last time I was so excited to come home from work! When we get home Scrabble gets so excited! He wags away and is even starting to play bow. It is adorable! THANK YOU SO MUCH NGA for saving Scrabble's life so we could enjoy him in ours :) Sincerely, Caryn and Paul Just a few updates on Scrabble! He's doing really well and thinks the guest bedroom belongs to him. He rearranges the pillows to create a circle around him and he stays put! He us such a gentleman though because if one of use wants to join him and cuddle, he curls up so that we can fit on the be with him!
- Registered Name: Keelins Agent
- Sex: Male
- Adopted on: Oct 22nd, 2009
- Color: Fawn & White
- Right ear tattoo: 37B
- Left ear tattoo: 61715
- Birthday: Mar 1st, 2007
- Arrived at NGA: Aug 2nd, 2009
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